Saturday, October 12, 2024

First Harvest School in Cambodia!

We had an incredible time ministering at the very first Harvest Missions School in Phnom Penh, Cambodia! I had the opportunity to dive into topics like culture and language learning, the power of perseverance with 'If you don't stop, you win,' and how to hear God's voice. Lorena inspired everyone with her sessions on children’s ministry, the power of joy, and the story of Lazarus. What an amazing group of passionate missionaries and eager students! Tomorrow, we’re off to Thailand, filled with anticipation for what’s next!

worshipping and enjoying the glorious presence of God

Teaching at a neighborhood discipleship group
The Iris Phnom Penh Harvest Mission School Gang

A neighbor enjoys his delicious chicken feet!

The awesome students from 6 nations!

I was blessed to see these new believers healed!

Far left: She was beaten and couldn't walk without great pain.  Jesus took all her pain away and now walks fine. Middle: Filled with stress and anxiety, this lady had neck, shoulder, knee, and leg pain. As God lifted her anxiety and stress, all her body aches and pain disappeared.

We love you Jesus - you are so loving and kind.  What an honor to serve you and see your glory and power poured on all who come to you.

Monday, October 7, 2024

75 Year Old Witch Doctor Finds the Truth!


Just one month ago, Rosario, a 75-year-old witch doctor, and his 65-year-old partner, Elena, made a life-changing decision: they chose to give their lives to Jesus after reading our booklet, Truth. This booklet shares the gospel and reveals the truth about a person's value and identity as seen through God's eyes.


For their entire lives, Rosario and Elena had served as the community's witch doctors, collecting money and engaging in practices that kept them and their community bound to darkness. But as they discovered the truth of God’s love and forgiveness, their hearts were transformed. With the support of the local pastor, they gathered all their witchcraft paraphernalia and, in a powerful act of faith, burned it all in front of their house.


Not only did they embrace their new faith, but they also took the beautiful step of asking to be baptized and married. We are thrilled to report that, this past weekend, they celebrated both milestones, marking a fresh start filled with hope and purpose!

Seminars, Distributions and Conferences our teams conducted in August and September


Crossing Continents

 I hope you had a wonderful summer! After we last wrote to you from Nepal, we headed home to Redding, California, but not before stopping in Japan on the way to see our daughter Danielle, Cody, and little Asher!  Ash is growing so quickly, now 19 months old. You might remember we spent 3 months taking care of him last year when he was 6-9 months old, while Danielle started a new job at the Christian International school. Missing family, friends, and home are difficult sacrifices missionaries face, but we are also blessed when opportunities come along where we get to visit and be with you a bit! 

After leaving Redding, we went to an all-expenses paid missions conference in Mexico, then on to Arizona, California, and Washington before flying back to Thailand two weeks ago.  Next week we’ll be ministering at Ryan and Audrey Aitkin’s Evangelism School, attending an international church planting conference in Bangkok with CMC, then flying to Cambodia to speak at the Iris Global Missions Training School. We covet your prayers for what’s coming up, that we may be fruitful and impactful as we minister to all these precious students. 


 We have been deeply moved lately by the words in 2 Peter 1:2: "May grace and peace be yours in ABUNDANCE through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." As we come to know Christ more deeply, we are filled with His boundless grace—grace that covers every failure, lifts every burden, and empowers us to live in victory. His peace surpasses all understanding, guards our hearts and minds, and gives us strength and courage to face every trial life may bring. Hallelujah! May we all be filled with his joy and shine as lights in this world of darkness, excited to share the beautiful hope he puts within us!


We so appreciate your friendships, support, and prayers.   Please let us know how we can pray for you as well!


Lots of Love,


Lorena and Brian

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Pictures from Australia

Sunset in Alice Springs

Swimming Hole in Alice Springs

Beautiful wild birds in the outback (our frontyard)

The mission school in Alice Springs

Sunday morning worship 

Free lunch after church

Beautiful sunsets every night in the outback!

One of many "gaps" in this beautiful Northern Territory

Aboriginal church members preparing kangaroo tails for everyone - their special delicacy!

Shabbat meal - all church Friday night potluck with communion before our Saturday day of rest. 

These colorful cliffs scrape off into fine dust, forming natural paint colors when added to water. Only aboriginals are allowed to touch these walls.  All others will receive a huge fine if
caught touching them.

Ghost Gum Tree

Brian had the honor of praying with this girl to receive Christ.  
After church she got immediately baptized!

Church kids enjoying the baptismal afterwards.

The mission school gang

Wild Aussie parrots in our frontyard!

Sunday church - growing each week with aboriginals from 5 different tribes living in this town. Many move here to enjoy an education for their children and free medical care.

The Beautiful Outback

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Kulap is lifeless and unresponsive due to a stroke… But God!

Among the many lovely gypsies we met, was Kulap.  Kulap almost died five years ago due to a stroke.  She was completely paralyzed and could not even lift her head. Kulap stayed in the hospital for four more months with no improvement.  Finally, the doctors sent her home with a feeding tube and said there was nothing more they could do.  Kulap’s husband recounted, “She was unresponsive, like a vegetable.” 


One day Jay came by their house.  He prayed for Kulap as she lay there still and lifeless.  “Suddenly her leg twitched!” her husband exclaimed. Kulap told us she was taken to heaven in a dream while Jay was praying for her.  “It was very beautiful. I saw an angel with big wings. The angel pointed to the side and then I saw a man in white.  He said, ‘I love you and I want to heal you.  You will have evidence of your healing when you can move your little finger.’ He touched me and I felt so loved.  When I woke up, I could move my little finger!” 


“This gave me hope!” she exclaimed. A few days later, she pulled the feeding tube out of her throat, believing God for her healing. From that day forward, she ate on her own. Within three months, she was 100% healed! Jay led Kulap to the Lord and now five years later, she is still a faithful believer. 


When we sat with Kulap to hear her story, she called her husband over to join us.  Her husband was still an unbeliever, but as he joined in, we could see such joy on his face as he recounted the miraculous healing he personally witnessed in his wife. With puzzlement, we asked, “What is keeping you from following Jesus?” Our conversation continued (too much to explain), the Holy Spirit touched his heart, and he finally gave his life to Jesus. We’re so happy to he has now come into the family!  

Lalissa unexpectedly receives a 20-year prison sentence - with 3 small children at home

“Would you like to earn 1,000 baht (about $33.) simply by allowing us to use your bank account?” asked a gang of criminals looking for a way to launder their money.  Living in desperate poverty conditions with her husband and three children, Lalissa thought this could be a helpful solution. Jay, our missionary friend, warned her that this was dangerous.  Regardless, she accepted the offer. Unfortunately, a sting operation proceeded with police suddenly arriving on the scene. Lalissa had no warning and no “rights” to inform her family what was happening. Someone saw her being arrested, so the family knew she wasn’t kidnapped, but it was apparently impossible for them to locate her among all the prisons in Thailand. “We had a four-month-old baby, a four-year-old, and an 11-year-old! This was very difficult for me to take care of them and still work,” reflected Lamon, Lalissa’s husband. 

Lalissa pled guilty after being told this would give her a lighter sentence. Fainting in dismay and hopelessness, the judge’s words swirled in her mind, “You are sentenced to 20 years imprisonment!” Lalissa was a lukewarm Christian up to this point. She knew a little about God, but recounts, “I was depressed and felt I had no purpose in life.” Now forced to live in a room with 250 other women among this prison of 6,000 inmates, desperation set in. 


But God…! Not too much time passed before a Christian lady befriended Lalissa and invited her to a Bible study!  This prison encouraged religious gatherings.  The Christians had the largest group, encompassing 70% of the inmates. They met together every morning and night and tenderly took Lalissa under their wings. 


After a few months, Lalissa’s friend was released.  She promptly informed Lamon of his wife’s location. He was relieved, but due to their distance and need to take care of the children, he could rarely visit. Lalissa’s friend lived closer, however, and was able to faithfully bring her much needed nutritious food and encouragement.


Lalissa flourished with renewed faith, passing on Christ’s hope and love to her fellow inmates. She eventually became a leader in this Christian community, teaching Bible studies and leading worship regularly. The prison officials saw this remarkable change in Lalissa and rewarded her with a lowered sentence of three years and eight months! 


Now, four years later, Brian and I, along with our friends Jay and Sally, sit together with dear Lalissa and her family on the wooden porch of their modest home along the seacoast of southern Thailand full of love and joy, as they share their wonderful testimony of God’s fulfilled promise, “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28. 


“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts…. They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.” (Ps. 145). 


Thank you for reading our stories and celebrating God’s goodness with us!