Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Large Rodent for Sale in Local Market

OK - so we didn't actually eat any of this rodent. It looks very much like a large rat. We were glad to hear that they do not catch these kinds of rodents in Macuba, where we live.

It is amazing how many of these things are for sale in the central market. They are not cheap. The average wage here is 100 metacais - and the rat on the bottom left cost 120 metacais (about $3.50).

We did buy one just to take home for pictures. We only took one quick photo because it became a breading place for maggots.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

New Land for First Training Center

We now have a wonderful piece of property located right on the Mozambican National Hwy. We recently received all the correct government licensing for the land and for construction.

The small cement circular object, pictured here, is our finished well. We are extremely thankful that the new well has plenty of water for all of our future needs. This is located on the edge of town, at a lower elevation, so water is not a problem like it is at our house. In town most all the wells are dried up and the city is out as well.

We have also started the foundation for our first building and our septic system.

Training Pastors with MegaVoice solar MP3 Players

We just finished recording 24 lessons to help train local pastors. Eventually we want to develop a complete Bible School training program with books and accompanying audio recordings. These courses can be completed at home with only occasional visits to one of our training centers. Our plan is for pastors to come to our center and receive 2-4 classes (depending upon their education level and distance from our center). Pastors will then be tested, turn in home work, receive more training, and then go home with a new set of courses.

MegaVoice makes an amazing solar MP3 player. Each player has the New Testament in their heart language or in the National language, Portuguese, and training lessons.

Brian is pictured here instructing four of our pastors how to use these solar MP3 Bibles.