Thursday, August 10, 2023

Getting the Word Out

We're in Japan!

Lorena and I are in Japan now for 2 1/2 months, then returning to Thailand in October to be with Ryan and Audrey Aitken and their School of Evangelism.

We enjoyed spending the last 3 months in America, visiting many of you and doing much needed work on our rentals. We miss you already!

Why Japan?  As many of you know, our daughter, Danielle, and her husband, Cody, are missionaries in Japan with Iris Global.  We are here helping them as they make transitions in their ministry.  

Lorena with our 6 month old grandson, Asher.

Getting the Word out! Believers (above) receiving their own copy of Scripture portions for the first time. 

"Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God" (Mt. 4:4). Most of the churches have an average of just one or two Bibles - one for the pastor and sometimes one for another leader in the church.  So what can we do about this? Every believer needs the Word of God!

Caesar, one of the regional pastors (pictured above), excitedly receives these booklets we just had printed. They contain the Gospel of John, Galatians, and Ephesians, which he passed out to hundreds of believers in his 4 districts who have never had their own copy of any scriptures beforeFive other regional pastors did the same, covering the entire province of Zambezia with hundreds of churches, totaling over 3,000 believers this past month.

"Mozambique suffers from famine, not of food or water but of hearing the Word of God." 

These words the Lord told Brian years ago in 2008 still ring in our ears and push us in our calling to get the Word of God into the hands of the Mozambican believers. 

We are now working on printing about 4,000 more booklets for two more provinces who are asking for them, which will still leave us with 7 more provinces to cover the country. Our goal is to get 10,000 copies out in 2023 and thousands more in 2024. Eventually we would like to make more booklets with other books of the Bible. 

Please pray with us that all continues well with all the print shops and distributions. Please pray especially for hungry receptive hearts ready to receive the Word and grow in Christ!  

More grateful believers receive their own portions of Scripture for the very first time. 

You may be wondering, Why can't we just pass out the New Testament or complete Bibles to everyone instead of making these booklets?

To understand this and find out more details on this project, go to

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Donations can also be made directly to us at Transforming Lives Ministry using PayPal
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