Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Pastor Tanueque has massive stroke; refugee relief delayed!

Distribution of food and supplies to the refugees in Mozambique was going well until our beloved leader in Nampula, Pastor Tanueque, had a massive stroke.  (He and his family were essentially the distribution team.) We were heart broken.  Pastor Tanueque is in his seventies but has always been a go getter.  The first pictures we saw of him showed Pastor Tanueque almost completely paralyzed, needing help to sit up. 

Later, we received a video from his son showing how well he was doing (after 4 days).  Tanueque’s left side was still partially paralyzed but he was speaking and eating!  He and his family are very encouraged.  We are amazed and thankful for how fast he is recovering!  Thank you Jesus!  Pastor Taneuque is now getting physical therapy in a private hospital.  Please pray with us for a complete recovery!

You can see this video at

Typhoon Relief in the Philippines under way!

We are so blessed the way people have responded to the needs in Mozambique and the Philippines!  We sent $1,000.00 to the Philippines, which was all we had in our account.  Since that time people have given and pledged over a thousand more.  The first funds we will use for immediate relief and future funds we send will be for repairing our two churches that were damaged by the typhoon.  

Helping Mozambican churches open up

Many of our churches in Mozambique remain closed because they cannot afford to meet the government requirements for reopening.  The main obstacle that most churches have is they cannot afford a forehead thermometer.  Thank you to those who knew of this need and helped us buy enough thermometers to give to all the district churches in 7 provinces (55 thermometers).  They are now on their way to opening up!  The churches have been shut down now for 8 months, with strict punishment for disobeying.  Currently, however, we are organizing a 5-day conference with all the district and provincial pastors.  This will take place the beginning of January.  Brian will have his newest discipleship booklet available for the seminar teachers at this time.  Please pray with us for a huge outpouring of the Holy Spirit, refreshment in the Word of God, encouragement and wonderful much needed fellowship between these pastors, and a fruitful time of planning for next year’s seminar schedule.