Tuesday, October 18, 2022

For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of words but of power!

 Hello Everyone! 

I’m so excited to report the goodness of God in our lives over the past few weeks in Ukraine and Moldova!  

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

In the midst of tragedy and darkness, the Holy Spirit shines brightly in and through his Church!  We have had the honor of traveling in this region for the past 8 weeks with wonderful varying team members, seeing God touch many hurting hearts with his love, peace, encouragement, salvation, healing, joy, refreshment, hope, and strength.  This was our hearts desire for this trip and we thank you all as you partnered with us in prayer.  He answered this prayer in abundance!  

Since our last newsletter, we traveled to Romania, Croatia, back to Ukraine, and   lastly, Moldova.  As you might already know, the European Church is unifying in love and compassion for the displaced Ukrainians fleeing their war torn country.  We were blessed to participate in some of their food distributions and evangelism in these surrounding countries as well as in Ukraine (pictured below).

Izmael, Ukraine

Newly liberated region above Kharkiv, Ukraine

Catacombs under the City of Odessa, Ukraine

Some refugees stay, but most of them pass through to other countries after a short time.  The churches are continually fluctuating, making the most of their time with these precious ones that are passing through. 

Taking the overnight train to Poltava (eastern Ukraine) from Odessa and back, marked a memorable adventure for us.  

Pictured below are some of the churches our team ministered in throughout Ukraine, including Izmael, Odessa, and Poltava.

Everyone seemed hungry for God and the Holy Spirit didn’t disappoint them!  The churches are full.  The believers are passionate and God is showing up. We definitely felt the Lord sending us here “for such a time as this.”  So many received a touch from Holy Spirit and testified about their heaviness lifting, depression leaving, and peace coming over them.  Many were also healed physically of various issues.  In some churches we were able to activate their members to believe and pray for each other for healing.  One Messianic church in Odessa recorded the extraordinary testimonies, but we are still trying to get a copy of that.  Hopefully we will be able to post some of those for you soon.  We were there for 2 nights, Yom Kippur and the next day.  The church members prayed for each other the second night and about 6 of them were completely healed, testifying all their pain had disappeared.  We love empowering the Body with faith building testimonies and teaching to pray for the sick.  I Cor. 4:20, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.”

It never gets old to see someone’s eyes light up in complete surprise when they experience God’s power flowing through their body in healing power - sometimes emotionally, sometimes physically, or both!  It’s even better when believers pray for others for the first time to see and feel the Holy Spirit flow through them in power. We will post testimonies periodically to declare the goodness of God and bring hope to any of you needing healing as well.  We also hope this stirs you to join us in praying for those God has put in your path that need hope, comfort, or healing.  For us, there is no greater satisfaction in life than to see people restored and renewed.

God is with us, protecting and guiding all the way!  While on the overnight train ride back to Odessa from Poltava last week, we got news of the morning’s barrage of missiles attacking Ukraine.  The train stopped unexpectedly on the outskirts of Odessa.  With the sirens blaring across the country, we knew this delay was to avoid the bombs from hitting our train.  Calling my dear friend and intercessor, Teresa, in this moment, the Lord gave her a vision.  She saw a ball of fire going before us, preparing the way.  Thank you, Jesus.  Our team remained calm and encouraged.  After arriving in Odessa the next afternoon, our Ukrainian team members stayed in Ukraine while the rest of us journeyed on to Moldova.  The border crossing was long, but thankfully uneventful.  We safely crossed over and have been blessed to minister this past week in several churches, seeing the Holy Spirit move beautifully again and again in the believers and the refugees in Moldova. 

And we're off again!

Boarding another overnight train from Moldova, we head this time to Bucharest, Romania. From there we continue on for the next 3 days on various flights till we get to our final destination of Thailand!  

We are blessed beyond words to carry the gospel in word and power to the lost and discouraged, partnering with the Body of Christ as we go.  

Lots of love,

Lorena (and Brian)

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Adventures in Ukraine

 Dear Family and Friends,

So much has happened these past 6 weeks since we started our journey to Eastern Europe, traveling to Ukraine, Romania, Venice, and Croatia! We’re currently in Ukraine (again), having just finished an amazing conference with our team in Izmail, ministering in Odessa, and now heading to Poltava on an overnight train.  Thank you so much for your prayers - God hears you and is answering beyond our expectations!   

While at the retreat described in our last newsletter,  I sat casually one afternoon with a group and asked, “Can you tell me any testimonies of where God did something miraculous in your life since the war started?” I heard many wonderful stories that day.  Here is one of them:

“I (a mother) and my 2 children are now living in England.  We attend a weekly Ukrainian refugee home group where one of the ladies there shared her story”:

“‘We had been hiding in a bunker with about 30 other Ukrainians for a month.  Frightened but compelled, my husband and I with our two small children finally decided to leave, even though the sirens and bombings continued. We got in our car and began driving towards the first Russian checkpoint.  They let us through!  We approached the second checkpoint.  They let us through again.  Then gun shots fired upon our car! Bullets everywhere.  My husband kept driving. Later when he was able to check the car’s condition, he noticed something miraculous. When he took the carseats out, he saw there were gunshot holes in the back of them, but they had only gone through half way!  Only God could have done that!  I did not believe in God before, but now I do!’”  

This lady gave her life to the Lord that night in England at the Ukrainian refugee Homegroup.

This past week we’ve been in another part of Ukraine called Izmail where our team was invited to do another pastors’ conference.  The Holy Spirit moved powerfully in all the meetings.  No one was in a hurry to go to bed - most chose instead to stay in His beautiful holy presence and worship up till 2:00am. Encounters, healings, joy, visions, freedom, deliverances.  We always pray they receive everything they need.  We believe they did!  Thank you for your part - your prayers are powerful.

On Saturday, many refugees in the community came to our center to receive food for their families.  Our hostess preached a salvation message in their language and many accepted Christ.

On Sunday afternoon children came from the community for a kids club and a little later, the youth came.  Brian had a wonderful time with the youth.  They enjoyed his stories and had so many questions about the world and our missionary life!  By the end, he gave the gospel message and many accepted Christ!

On Monday, word had gotten out that we had food, so more people were at the gate.  Among them were four ladies from the preschool next door - the director and her three staff. Natalia, our hostess, explained the gospel to all four ladies and they all gave their lives to the Lord!  Two of them, however, were in a lot of pain. Natalia called me and Simon (our teammate) over, asking us to pray for them. Being new believers and having no time to think or be told they couldn’t be healed, they agreed easily and eagerly to receive prayer for healing! As you can probably already guess, God healed them!  One lady had pain in her neck, shoulder and back. She said it was VERY painful.  She was also suffering from depression and explained a little bit of dark history in her life. As we prayed, she said she felt the presence of God come over her.  She had never experienced this before of course, and described it as tingly, warmth, and a little wooziness (with giggles). She said “something” left, and was filled with peace. So fun and such a privilege to see people born into the family of God, then healed and delivered at the same time!

We have been in Odessa now for the past 3 days. It is truly a beautiful city. 

Two nights ago a Messianic church invited us to do a healing service after they began Yom Kippur, which is the highest holy day for the Jewish people, also known as Day of Atonement. Odessa has many Jews, so it was a blessing to celebrate with our Messianic Jewish brothers and sisters. 

For the healing service, Simon taught a little, the team shared a few healing testimonies, and then Simon began activating them to pray for each other.  Our team leader, John, misunderstood the pastor about the time the service needed to end. The church had rented a large conference room in a hotel for this special meeting and had a specific time they needed to be out. Way before Simon was ready to end, he was told he had 5 minutes left.  When he got this information, he ended his instructions abruptly and quickly dismissed everyone! He felt bad about this, but then we started hearing testimonies of how people were getting healed earlier during the teaching and testimony time!  When it came time for them to pray for each other, many said, “Oh, I’m already healed!”  So Jesus had it covered.  The time change was not a surprise to him.  Even on the way out, a frail, skinny, pail man asked me to pray for his kidneys.  Having no time basically, I laid my hands on his back and prayed quickly. He said, “I feel warmth in that area!” Another lady on our way out said she thinks she has breast cancer but hadn’t been to the doctor yet.  I quickly prayed for her with my translator and she started crying.  She said she had a vision of a snake going up a stick. Then Jesus took a sword and chopped the snake’s head off!  I asked how she felt and she said before her breast was “tight” and now it felt “loose.”  All I know is Jesus showed up and something good happened! Lol All this happened within 2 minutes.  So much for needing long religious prayers!  Our time for teaching and activation was short, but people were experiencing a touch from God in minutes all over the room. I’ve never seen so many healings and encounters in so little time before!

Last night the same church invited us back to do the whole service, emphasizing healing once again.  Brian taught and I led the activation afterwards.  The Holy Spirit flowed so peacefully and effortlessly through everyone, as they all participated in praying for each other.  So many got completely healed in minutes.  Among these was a man with knee pain for 5 years.  At the meeting he said his pain was at a level 7.  After receiving prayer, it was a 0!  

We spent the day today with friends of John, our missionary team leader.  They showed us their food and supplies for the refugees stored in the underground catacombs beneath their church!  

Odessa and other cities here have miles and miles of catacombs under them, dug out in the early 19th century.  Now they serve as bunkers during this war. No official gatherings are allowed, including churches and schools, if they do not have adequate bunkers.  Consequently, many schools are only doing it online. 

As we were leaving Odessa tonight on our train, the air-raid sirens were sounding as we heard an anti-aircraft shoot down an Iranian Kamikaze drone.  

We are hearing that two more drones were shot down after that. We know God is with us and leading us. We covet your prayers as we head closer to the front lines now. Our team will be splitting up as many churches want us all at the same time.  We will also be visiting some villages recently liberated, bringing them needed food and supplies with a local pastor. 

Lots of Love,

Lorena and Brian

Ways to give

Use the QR code for digital donations or our support address for checks:

Transforming Lives Ministry

1908 S El Camino Real

San Clemente, CA 92672