Sunday, September 13, 2020

Sharing the Love of Jesus

Over 200,000 refugees have fled Islamic State insurgents in northern Mozambique in an area where we ministered for several years.  Stories of beheadings, kidnapping of women and children, burning, and torture are so heart-breaking!  Fleeing their burning villages, violent murderers and captors,  they arrive hungry with only the clothes on their back.  People are devastated and traumatized, but are being touched by the love of Jesus in a tangible way. In Nampula, the province south of this unrest, church families are taking in as many as they can, Christian and Muslim refugees alike.  This has been a wonderful witness to those in desperate need.  We recently gave food and supplies to 400 families but will now be able to help more than twice as many this month with recent funds that have come in.  Yay!!  

Here is a video with stories of some of the refugees and pictures of our last distribution.  (Because of Covid 19 we are only allowed to distribute to groups of fifty at a time.)  

All of our food distribution has been led by one of our amazing pastors, who uses his dilapidated truck.  He sent us a video of his team changing a flat tire.  We were shocked at how bald ALL his tires were!   Check out the photo below.  By God's hand, he was able to drive 200 km more on this bald spare tire, which already had the threads showing (second picture below)!  Praise the Lord - when we shared these pictures, donations came in to buy six new tires!  The total was about $900.00.  His truck is now ready to distribute to thousands more refugees! 

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