Monday, November 30, 2020

Prayer Requests


On November 11, 2020, Typhoon Vamco devastated parts of the Philippines. The Typhoon had sustained winds of 90 miles per hour. It caused 100,000 evacuations, and killed at least six people. Two of our churches were severely damaged as well as the crops and homes of many of our church members. We will be sending out a thousand dollars this week to help and plan to send more in the next couple of weeks. Pastor Ramboyong, who leads the churches in the Philippines wrote, “The church building in Canaman partly collapsed. …the super typhoon caused water flooding both in Magarao and Canaman and most of the church members are in need of food and medicine. Their crops are totally destroyed.” If you would like to help with this need please go to our donate page. 



Most of our churches in Mozambique will be closed until they can comply with government Covid-19 regulations.  They have been closed now for 8 months.  Every church needs a non-contact thermometer, bucket, disinfectant soap, and masks in order to open.  Heavy fines and even imprisonment can result from not complying and receiving a document from the government certifying that these items are on hand.  Most of our fellowships cannot afford the $35.00 thermometer, since their average offering is under $10.  Our goal is to buy a thermometer and supplies for as many of our churches as possible, targeting about 100 district churches, which are over the “local” fellowships.  (This amounts to hundreds of churches.) Once these are open, we can resume our discipleship/training seminars in 7 provinces with our 5 Mozambican discipleship teams!  These believers desperately need encouragement and fellowship.  

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