Wednesday, October 31, 2012

News from Mozambique

Dear Family and Friends,

I hope this letter finds you all well.  We have been extremely blessed this last month as we’ve traveled 40 hours up to Pemba and back to teach at the Harvest School, starting 4 leadership training seminars along the way!  Pictured above right are some of the graduates from a seminar we did in the province of Zambezia. Each of these believers wants to start their own discipleship centers with the resources they’ve now received – booklets and Bibles.  

All the people we gather for our seminars are leaders and teachers.  Most of them go out from us to start their own discipleship centers, which is why we now have about 120 centers going!  On this last trip we are especially excited about a whole new province called Nampula opening up, as the top leaders gathered for our seminar.  Some of them were so excited, they started up their groups the week after they graduated!

Women’s ministry continues going strong as well.  Lorena and a couple of other missionaries just did a women’s conference last weekend in a town called Buzi – two days after we got back (picture top center and top left).

Brian is busy writing another discipleship book, and visiting various districts on the weekends as they gather the many discipleship centers for graduations.  These graduates are believers in the discipleship centers taught by teachers that have attended our training seminars.  The Harvest is so ripe!!!
Have you ever been curious how to make a mud hut?  Check out this one- minute video of me helping with a mud hut we’re making for one of our 160 ladies in widows ministry: 

Thank you again for your support in prayer and financially.  We are in this together and appreciate you so much!


Brian and Lorena

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